What is De-manifestation and how to do it?

What is De-Manifestation and how to do it

The Law of Attraction has gained immense popularity for its focus on attracting positive experiences and manifestations into one's life. However, there's another facet of this universal law that often goes overlooked—de-manifestation. In this blog, we'll go into the concept of de-manifestation, explore its similarities with 'revision,' and how it differs.

What is De-Manifestation and how to do it

What is De-Manifestation?

De-manifestation, in the context of the Law of Attraction, is the deliberate process of removing unwanted or negative elements from your life. While the Law of Attraction primarily emphasizes attracting positivity, de-manifestation acknowledges that sometimes you must first eliminate the negative to make room for the positive.
What is De-Manifestation and how to do it

Similarities with Revision

De-manifestation shares similarities with a concept known as 'revision' within the Law of Attraction:

  • Past-Focused: Both de-manifestation and revision involve working with your past experiences. Revision typically focuses on altering the way you perceive past events to change your present and future outcomes. De-manifestation, on the other hand, concentrates on eliminating the residual negativity associated with past experiences.
  • Emotional Healing: Both concepts encourage emotional healing. Revision helps you release negative emotions tied to past events, while de-manifestation aims to remove the lingering effects of negativity that may still impact your life.

Differences from Revision

What is De-Manifestation and how to do it

Despite their similarities, there are notable distinctions between de-manifestation and revision:

  • Focus on Removal vs. Alteration: Revision is primarily about altering your perception of past events to change their impact on your life. De-manifestation, conversely, focuses on completely removing the negative aspects or people from your life.
  • Immediate vs. Ongoing: Revision is often a one-time mental exercise where you reframe your past. De-manifestation is an ongoing process that may require continuous effort to eliminate negativity as it arises.
  • Space Creation: De-manifestation specifically addresses the need to create space in your life for positive manifestations by removing negativity. Revision doesn't always emphasize the space-creating aspect to the same extent.

Implementing De-Manifestation

To practice de-manifestation effectively, consider these steps:

  • Identify Negativity: Recognize the negative elements or experiences in your life that you wish to remove.
  • Acknowledge and Release: Acknowledge the impact of these negative aspects on your life and release any emotional attachments to them.
  • Positive Visualization: Visualize your life without these negative influences, focusing on the positive changes and opportunities that will arise.
  • Take Action: Actively work towards removing or distancing yourself from the identified negativity. This may involve setting boundaries or making significant life changes.


What is De-Manifestation and how to do it

In the world of the Law of Attraction, de-manifestation is a powerful concept that complements the practice of revision.

While both aim to bring positivity into your life, de-manifestation specifically addresses the need to remove negativity to make space for the positive.

By understanding and applying these principles, you can take charge of your life and manifest the happiness and abundance you desire.

Why aren't  you manifesting the way you should be?

What is De-Manifestation and how to do it

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Taking action

What is De-Manifestation and how to do it

When you are on the frequency of wealth and abundance, You only use visualization in certain instances. Like Elon Musk may use visualization to figure out how to create a car that will run on hydrogen.
But after visualization is complete, then he acts on that vision.
He doesn't sit around hoping and waiting for the universe to bring it to him.
But the ultimate reason he can accomplish these things is because he is on the "FREQUENCY" of Wealth and Abundance.
Frequency is the key and it is the SECRET.
When you are on a certain frequency, you get EVERYTHING that comes with that Frequency.
If you are on the Frequency of wealth. You don't need to visualize a new car. New cars come along with wealth.
What else comes along with wealth?

  • Friends in high places
  • People wanting to talk to you
  • Investors wanting to work with you
  • Beautiful people wanting to be in relationships with you (men and women)
  • Homes in nice neighborhoods are available to you
  • Loans at the best rates
  • Access to Capitol
  • Gifts from other wealthy people
  • The best experiences
  • Access to the most beautiful places
  • Happiness
  • much more...

You see, when you are on the Frequency of Wealth and Abundance, You will have all of the things you are currently visualizing without stops, without hesitation, without resistance.

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What is De-Manifestation and how to do it